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#alwaysready SurfAce Bikinis - SurfAce Apparel #保證你會愛的男生系列 #menscollection #自己設計自己生產自己測試 #換你享受台灣最好穿的海邊褲🌊🇹🇼 · 🏄🏽 「Eileen, 你何時出衝浪褲啊?!」2015年問到現在😂 來啦!我們弄很久,但是這個系列你絕對會愛!為什麼?請繼續讀下去! #隨時行動 - 你知道嗎?Surfer浪人的命就是隨時觀察有沒有浪,能衝就衝,一種永遠等待和尋找完美浪的心態!🌊 · 但是,我們必須到達海邊時,才會知道浪到底有多好!因此,我們SurfAce 為你設計了一個隨時行動的系列!🤙🏾 · ✨擁有一條經典的衝浪褲,它可以上班穿🧳,它可以在家中穿🏡,它可以帶你戶外🏝它舒適輕薄 ,設計簡約經典,是會讓你驚艷的一條的衝浪短褲!☄️ · 每當海洋呼喚您時,您就已經隨時準備好去衝浪!🏄 穿上它讓你顛覆對衝浪褲的想像🌊 - 而這個褲子 不用是衝浪的人,只要你愛很實穿 透氣 舒服 又帥氣的男生 我保證會愛❤️ --------------- 🏄”Eileen, when are you gonna make men’s shorts?” - been asked since 2015! Well guys, here you are! - @surfaceapparel board short mission: 🔥 A surfer's call is to surf as much as he can, always waiting and searching for the next perfect wave. · 🤙🏾But until you arrive at the beach, you never know how good the waves actually are! And that's why we designed a collection for you to be ALWAYS READY!🌊 · ☄️Own a pair of shorts that are classy to wear to work, comfy to wear at home and functional to surf in as well! Anytime the ocean calls you, you'll be ready to surf! - 🌊www.surfaceapparel.com 男生系列 https://www.surfaceapparel.com/pages/mens . #隨時行動 #單色褲子搶先上市 #2020 #2020全新系列 #boardshorts #walkshorts #水陸兩用 #不一樣的衝浪褲 #特別之處是材質 👉🏾現在就加入會員享此系列7折優惠👈🏾 @surfaceapparel . www.surfaceapparel.com

#alwaysready SurfAce Bikinis - SurfAce Apparel #保...